2 - Jon Brunberg - New edition of the UWC documents out

Jon Brunberg

New edition of the UWC documents out

I'm proud to present a new, revised, and re-designed, edition of the two winning essays in the Utopian World Championship in two separate volumes, an edition that marks that more than eight years have passed since we (the UWC Team) embarked on a quest for the utopias of the 21st century by initiating a world-wide competition in visionary thinking and writing. For this edition we have added new fore- and afterwords and made minor edits to the essays toghether with the authors. The books are published by Raketa Press, and with financial support for the printing from The Foundation for the Culture of the Future.

The first volume includes the winning essay of 2001 with the title The New Word Disorder, which was submitted by an American student and activist living in Sweden under the pseudonym T.R.O.Y.. The Canadian Professor Emeritus in anthropology, Mr Cyril Belshaw, won the second in 2005 with his essay From Youth Maturity to Global Government - The Utopian Tapestry, which is printed in the second volume.

The books are not yet in commercial distribution but will be during this fall. A pre-release of the volumes were made at the NY Art Book Fair in cooperation with Raketa Press on October 1-2 2009. If you want to pre-order a copy of the books, please contact jon@brunberg.se.