Jon Brunberg

P.C. - an exhibition about intolerance

Tolerate (the video)

The Living History Forum
Stora Nygatan 10-12, Stockholm
September 15, 2011 - December 7, 2012


In 2010, the Living History Forum conducted a survey of young people's attitudes towards vulnerable groups in Sweden; Roma, Muslims, Jews, extra-European refugees, and homosexuals. In the autumn of 2010, the survey was compiled in the report The many faces of intolerance.

The artists Jon Brunberg, Andrea Hvistendahl and Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin have read The many faces of intolerance, and used the report as their inspiration and starting point for the installations and artworks of the exhibition.

The results raise questions about intolerance throughout history, in our own time and from a psychological perspective.

Now, the Living History Forum wants to give young people the opportunity to leave their own imprints, through discussion and reflection on issues that concern tolerance and intolerance.

About the work Tolerate

Tolerate is a project that comprises several works wherein I'm examining tolerance and intolerance from a psychological point of view. My premise in this work is that, if we seek a more profound democracy, a greater respect for human rights and a lessening of human suffering and oppression, we will need a more tolerant society.

I've invited the psychoanalyst Tomas Böhm (1945-2013) and the psychologists Liria Ortiz and Fred Saboonchi to participate in two works, wherein they explain their views on tolerance and intolerance, and present psychological tools or methods that can be used by those who wish to become more tolerant, or who are in need of arguments or inspiration in their work against intolerance. They appear in a video and have written a chapter each for an anthology that was released April 25, 2012.


Interview in Swedish:


Read more
Tolerate - a video, anthology and web tool
Tolerate - the anthology
Tolerate (video) - Screenshots
P.C.-an exhibition about intolerance

Tomas Böhm
Liria Ortiz
Fred Saboonchi

* Tomas Böhm passed away on May 30, 2013 / Tomas Böhm avled den 30 maj 2013. Minnesord: SvD and N&K

More information about the exhibition
Tolerate - the web tool

Additional photos
Photos from the release of Tolerera - the anthology on April 25

Rädsla föder intolerans, Hanna Welin, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Nov 26
Jag skäms över mina fördomar, Liria Ortiz, Dagens Nyheter, Aug 3
Antologi visar styrkan med att vara olika, Louise Djurberg, Expo #2/2012, June 12
Övningsbok för tolerans och vidsynthet, Ricki Neuman, SvD, Maj 5, 2012.
Danjel Nam Sveriges Radio P3-verkligheten, April 4, 2012
Peter Letmark, Dagens Nyheter, Nov. 3 (not online)
Lars Linder, Dagens Nyheter, Oct 10
El Hombre de Cuba Nuestra, Sept. 27
Maria Knutsen-Öy, Stockholms Fria, Sept. 15
Marianne Nordenlöw, Lärarnas Nyheter, Sept 16
Godmorron Sverige, SVT, Sept 12
Dan Bizzozero, Politico, Sept 12